CHAP. 60. (59.)—THE RAINBOW.
What we name Rainbows frequently occur, and are not
considered either wonderful or ominous; for they do not
predict, with certainty, either rain or fair weather. It is
obvious, that the rays of the sun, being projected upon a
hollow cloud, the light is thrown back to the sun and is re-
fracted[1], and that the variety of colours is produced by a
mixture of clouds, air, and fire[2]. The rainbow is certainly
never produced except in the part opposite to the sun, nor even
in any other form except that of a semicircle. Nor are they
ever formed at night, although Aristotle asserts that they are
sometimes seen at that time; he acknowledges, however, that
it can only be on the 14th day of the moon[3]. They are seen
in the winter the most frequently, when the days are shortening,
after the autumnal equinox[4]. They are not seen when
the days increase again, after the vernal equinox, nor on the
longest days, about the summer solstice, but frequently at
the winter solstice, when the days are the shortest. When
the sun is low they are high, and when the sun is high they
are low; they are smaller when in the east or west, but are
spread out wider; in the south they are small, but of a
greater span. In the summer they are not seen at noon,
but after the autumnal equinox at any hour: there are never
more than two seen at once,
1. "Manifestum est, radium Solis immissum cavæ nubi, repulsa acie in
Solem, refringi."
2. Aristotle treats of the Rainbow much in detail, principally in his
Meteor. iii. 2, 3, 4, and 5, where he gives an account of the phænomena,
which is, for the most part, correct, and attempts to form a theory for
them; see especially cap. 4. p. 577 et seq. In the treatise De Mundo he
also refers to the same subject, and briefly sums up his doctrine with the
following remark: "arcus est species segmenti solaris vel lunaris, edita in
nube humida, et cava, et perpetua; quam velut in speculo intuemur, imagine relata in speciem circularis ambitiûs." cap. 4. p. 607. Seneca also
treats very fully on the phenomena and theory of the Rainbow, in his
Nat. Quæst. i. 3–8.
3. Vide supra, also Meteor. iii. 2, and Seneca, Nat. Quæst. i. 3.
4. Aristotle, Meteor. iii. 5. p. 581, observes, that the rainbow is less
frequently seen in the summer, because the sun is more elevated, and that,
consequently, a less portion of the arch is visible. See also Seneca, Nat.
Quæst. i. 8. p. 692.